Sunday, April 24, 2011

Game 6: Hopkins V. Prior Lake and Game 7: Hopkins V. Edina

I apologize for my late posts, it's been a busy past few days. It's easy to blog about winning, losing is another story.

On Thursday, we traveled to Prior Lake for our first away game of the year. It was a little bit of a drive to Prior Lake, so we left before we had the chance to take BP. We got out there and started to warm up despite the cold. The game got going and got progressively colder.

In the middle of the game, Tanner Holmquist got a hit to shallow left field with 2 outs. Steve-O Palkert was on first so he ran to second and decided to try for third. The left fielder made a good play on the ball and threw to the third baseman. Steve-O swerved out of the way and the third baseman missed the tag, but he umpire thought different and called him out. Coach Lerner walked out to have a little chit chat, bringing the total to 2.5.

We had plenty of hard hit balls, but none of them wanted to fall. I also have to give Prior Lake credit, the played good defense. We did too, though, Andrew Glover pitched well and stranded a lot of runners, but we can't win a game by scoring only 1 run. Prior Lake handed us our first lost of the season 3-1.

We turned the page and traveled to Edina the next day to start conference play.

We had been scheduled to play the Hornets on Tuesday, but they cancelled the game at 11 o'clock that day because it was supposed to rain a little bit. It didn't end up raining till late Tuesday night. Because of their girly fear of a little rain, I have named them the Hornettes.

We went to Edina's Braemar Field to take on the Hornettes and, once again, it was freezing and drizzly. One thing I never forget about the visitor's dugout at Braemar is that someone painted on the wall, "Krempa=Gay." I'm not sure who or what Krempa is, and I'm not sure if they mean happy or homosexual, but for some reason, I can never forget that "Krempa=Gay."

We got all stretched out and warmed up and we started to take infield. During infield, the Hornettes were playing their warm up music. Whoever was in charge of the playlist didn't get the memo that their music should be appropriate. There were F-Bombs, S-Words, A-Words, B-Words, and racial slurs being blared over speakers at a family park. Certainly a classy way to start the day if I do say so myself.

In the 3rd inning, Tim Shannon threw a pitch that hit the one of the Hornettes on the knob of hit bat. I could obviously tell that's what it hit because there was a dull crack (the sound of a ball hitting the knob). One of the Hornette parents said, "Didn't sound like metal to me!" The dull crack didn't exactly sound like hand either. The behind the plate umpire rightfully called it a foul ball. But the base umpire, who was upwards of 150 feet away, came in and decided that he had seen it, and that it was a hit by pitch. Coach Lerner went out again and picked the umpires brains. For those of you counting at home, the total is:
Umpire Chit Chats for Coach 

For the second day in a row, we hit the ball hard, but it wasn't falling. We showed a lot of moxie by scoring three runs in the last inning on Tanner Holmquist's base-clearing double, but it wasn't enough this time. We fell to the Hornettes 5-4.

We have Eden Prairie and Minnetonka in the upcoming week which gives us two chances to redeem ourselves.

Happy Easter to all those who celebrate.

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