Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Game 1: Hopkins v. Richfield

To get this over with, we won 9-2.

It would be easy for me to tell you what happened in the game, according to the numbers. But thats not what this blog is about. A wise man once told me, "Stats are like bikinis. They show a lot but they don't show everything." This blog is about the stories behind the numbers.

The newest member of the Hopkins Baseball program is team Manager Mike Leach. His duties include keeping the book, helping with field work, telling good jokes, and being a friend to everyone on the team. Mike doing work on the field was the first thing I saw as I strolled into Pat Berger Memorial field.

A few highlights from the game include us four infielders discussing the benefits of chapstick with the umpire during a pitching change, Country Michael Larson wearing a fastball like a champ and not even rubbing it on the way to first base, Coach Lerner's web gem while coaching 3rd, and talking to Leo and Gus Berger (Coach Berger's kids) at the end of the game.

I have the privilege of being admired by Leo Berger. I hadn't seen him since the end of last season and it was nice to catch up with him. In the middle of the game, I told Coach Berger that I had greeted Leo and Coach said, "Great! You should tell him to wear sunscreen, he doesn't listen to his mother and me." Sorry to say it, Coach, but I didn't get the chance to impart my knowledge of protection against the sun to him, but I will find a way to work it in next time he and I talk.

And who could forget the cheers from Grandpa Don? Grandpa Don is Hammy(Jack Hamilton)'s Grandpa. Grandpa Don always calls Hammy by the nickname 'Skip'. Ever since I was 12 and playing little league, Grandpa Don has been to every game. Every so often as he watches, he will yell out a cheer like, "Talk it up out the, Hopkins!", "Step over the chair, Skip!", or when someone is batting, "Just meet it, it'll go!" Grandpa Don has been one of the few constants throughout my baseball career.

Whenever there is a questionable call by the umpires, Coach Lerner will (very) slowly walk out to the umpire and say, "Can you tell me what you were thinking there?" As stated in my first post, I will be keeping a running tally of the number of times Coach Lerner has his... chit chats, we'll call them, with umpires. Thankfully, there weren't any questionable calls this can, so Coach didn't have to make a trip into the umpire's personal space.

Umpire Chit Chats for Coach

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your blog, Bill. Leo loved reading it (Gus was sleeping). Ellie was wondering why she wasn't mentioned. I reminded her that she was at gymnastics while the game was going on. Bad idea. She wants to quit gymnastics!
